The Wardens, Vestry and Search Committee are pleased and excited to announce that the Reverend Kevin Holland Sparrow has accepted our Bishop’s call to be the next full-time Rector of Saint Anne’s Episcopal Church!
The Wardens, Vestry and Search Committee are pleased and excited to announce that the Reverend Kevin Holland Sparrow has accepted our Bishop’s call to be the next full-time Rector of Saint Anne’s Episcopal Church!
Since September of 2021, Fr. Kevin has been serving Christ Episcopal Church in Montpelier, VT as Priest-in-Charge where he was successful in increasing average attendance and pledges and maintained a thriving Youth and Family Ministry program. Prior to that, he was Rector at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Hanover, MA. His career includes other roles in administration, coordinator of Children’s Ministries, Christian formation and as a Chaplain. Prior to becoming a Priest, Kevin worked in fundraising, grant writing, and also served in the Peace Corps.
Fr. Kevin was ordained as a Priest in December of 2012 in the Episcopal Diocese of California. He holds a BA from the University of the South – Sewanee, with a double major in History and Art History, achieving honors in both and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. His M. Div. was conferred by Harvard Divinity School in 2000. In 2010, he completed a Certificate in Anglican Studies from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, California. He is currently pursuing a D. Min. in Liturgy from the School of Theology, University of the South – Sewanee.
In his application to be our Rector, Fr. Kevin referenced a quote from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: “If it’s not about love, it’s not about God” and then stated: “I am energized and excited by the challenge and joy of bearing this message of love, relationship, justice and welcome with this opportunity at St. Annes, Conway."
Fr. Kevin and his spouse, Andrew Lane (and dog, Nino) plan to initially rent while they look for a home in Conway. An official start date will be announced shortly.
Enormous thanks to all the current and former Search Committee members for their efforts over the past two years as they worked to identify our new Rector. Thanks are also due to the Wardens and Vestry, both past and present, for their commitment to the process. We also appreciate the wise guidance and support offered from the Reverend Canon Philip Linder and Bishop Ruth Woodliff-Stanley.
Welcome, Father Kevin!